And This is What I Decided About Grad School...

If you've been reading (or know me personally), you know I've been faced with a very hard decision to make this month.  And I guess I kinda brought it on myself haha.

See, I decided at some point that maybe I'd try to go to graduate school.  I don't remember when, because it was never something I was really interested in, but all of a sudden I was signing up to take the GRE and looking at graduate programs on the Appalachian State website.

See, I have always had my heart kinda set on Appalachian, but at the same time, High Point University was just irresistible (and rightfully so).  So I decided that I'd finish undergrad at HPU and then go to App.

[I should add here that my mother told me I had to go to graduate school, so I didn't really have much of a choice haha. Besides, I wasn't ready to be done with school when the time came to graduate :) ]

Anyway, I decided sometime this past year that I wasn't ready to graduate from HPU, and got the idea to apply to grad school there so that I could continue to go there and not have to miss it.

But then there was still Appalachian.

So I applied to both places, knowing that I would be putting myself in a very tough situation if I happened to get into both places. (I won't get into how much of a fiasco it was for me trying to decide where to attend for undergrad)

[[I almost applied to UNC-Wilmington, because I love the beach, and Alpha Chi Omega is colonizing there, and I wanted to be part of that, but I didn't wanna make the decision even harder, and I was honestly too lazy to complete three applications. And okay, give me a break, I was REALLY busy this past semester!!]]

Of course, the decision was just as hard as I expected it to be. 

What could I do? High Point University is HOME!!!! It's magical, it's happy, it's purple, and it's like Disney World a little bit. 

But I kept thinking, "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat. You have to get out of your comfort zone. A new place and experience will be good!"

I've had the best people in the world praying for me, and I finally decided last Friday to go to Appalachian for graduate school.  It literally broke my heart to pieces to turn HPU down. It was so hard. Many, many tears were shed.  I love that school with all of my heart. I didn't always love it, I'll admit.  But the past 4.5 years there have been a HUGE growing and learning experience, and I am SO SO SO glad I went there and had that experience.  I tear up when I think about it. 

But this is the thing: HPU will always be my home.  I will be on campus there as much as I possibly can this year.  I will still enjoy the school, and all of my wonderful friends and sisters, but I am taking on a new adventure at the same time.

I was so proud to graduate on May 5 from the same college that Daddy graduated from, and carry on the High Point tradition in our family.

In a couple years, I will be proud to graduate from the college that Mama graduated from, and keep Appalachian in the family.

"On this journey that you're making, there'll be answers that you seek. And it's you who'll climb the mountain; it's you who'll reach the peak."



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