A Day at the Farmer's Market
The Friday before last (I'm SO behind), Ashley, Mama, Granny, and I went to the Farmer's Market to get pumpkins! Before we picked our pumpkins though, we ate at the Moose Cafe at the Farmer's Market (where I used to work for a couple years), and the food was tasty as always! We got 10% off our meal for wearing pink for breast cancer awareness too. Can't beat that.
We had so much fun walking around and looking at everything afterward. We got pumpkins, gourds, yellow and white mums, and some corn. It was so special and fun! I loved the colors and the company.
Going to the Market every year to get pumpkins was a tradition that me and my grandma kinda had before she passed away - that was our thing. So of course I think of her every time I go now, and it makes me kinda sad. But I'm SO grateful that I still have special people to go with!
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