Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my Mama - the person who has always bent over backward for me, Ashley, and Michael (and Honeygirl).  She is caring, funny, and beautiful.  She always looks for the positive in situations.  She is very strong and hardworking.  We have been extremely blessed to have her in our lives. 
Like I have said, I don't know where I would be without this woman as my mother. 
I hope that one day (one day...a long time from now haha) I will be at least half the mother she is.
Sometimes we forget how much our mothers truly do for us.  I know I've been guilty of that, many times.  But there is so much that she does behind the scenes that I don't always think about.  Like I said, I have been blessed!
I've also been blessed to have had two beautiful, wonderful grandmothers, one of which is still with us.  I was so lucky that both were local and I got to see them as much as I did (and still get to see Granny every single day).
Grandma was an amazing and godly role model and friend, and Granny continues to be as well.
The time that I have had with them is so precious and means so much to me.
The memories we have made are priceless.  I cherish the memories I have with Grandma, and continue to make wonderful memories with Granny. 
I am so very thankful!
Today, Granny and I went to the mall for a bit and shopped.
Then our family took Mama to Fatz to eat lunch and it was delicious!
We then went to celebrate Mother's Day at my aunt's house.
It was a nice day :)
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Mother's Day as well!!


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