Sunday Inspiration

Exodus 33:14 
"My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

In the Old Testament, God promised the Israelites that He would be with them on their journey to the Promised Land. This is one of my favorite verses because He promises to be with us also. Just as He was near to the Israelites and protected them even when they cursed Him and didn't have faith that He would come through and lead them to safety, He is near to us and will go with us wherever His plan for our life takes us. His mighty Presence will give us the peace that we need to sustain us from day to day, even in the hardest situations. 
We can seek refuge and relaxation in Him because He has everything taken care of. If we are His children, we can be assured that He has us in His hand and that everything will be okay, no matter what.

Two years ago at this exact time, we were in Exodus in our daily quiet time book for Word of Life, and it was the first time I'd ever really read through Exodus and it just kept blowing my mind every day. Every passage hit home with me. I was going through a really rough time and could totally relate the passages to my life and it helped me out so much. I really get upset when people undervalue the Old Testament and think that we can't get much from its stories because although Exodus is about the Israelites escaping Egypt, so much of its lessons can be applied to our daily life and struggles. I specifically remember being very desperate and sad at that time and feeling SO comforted by reading Exodus. It's still one of my favorite books of the Bible.

Have a great week! Be inspired! Take refuge in the Creator's presence. He will give you rest!



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