December Week Two

f e s t i v i t i e s  continue...

Week two of December (8-14) consisted of a much-needed GIRLS' NIGHT (Mexican and shopping with coworkers) on Tuesday night...

shopping and dinner with Granny and Ashley on Wednesday...


Snapchat ridiculousness...

Friday night consisted of dinner with family, a Jamberry nails party at Joellyn's with some fine ladies (I tried Jamberry nails for the first time and LOVED them), and Krispy Kreme with some friends.

On Saturday I let Ashley drive me to the youth girls' Christmas party.
From what I've seen, she's such a good and careful driver!

I had a lot of fun with the girls. I hadn't climbed a tree in forever!! It was pretty cool to do so, and capture the moment. The weather was so perfect it's not even funny.

Saturday night, a bunch of our family and friends went to the community Christmas celebration at First Wesleyan Church. Thirteen churches in High Point came together and put on the production, so it was huge. It was SO good! I loved every single minute of it. The music was wonderful. Christmas music is literally my favorite sound in the world - hearing it brings me so much happiness. I tear up at things like that, and this time was no exception.

A few of us that went:

At some point, I decorated the family Christmas tree because I got tired of seeing a bare tree :)
Even though I've always preferred trees with traditional family ornaments of all colors, I got sucked into the color scheme thing and picked out only the red, gold, white, and purple ornaments (with a few exceptions) to adorn the tree.
I was pretty pleased with the outcome:

On Sunday night, we had our church choir's Christmas program and I wore a fabric gift bow in my hair and took this selfie to prove it. Clearly says I'm 26, right?!

I wasn't the only one wearing bows, though...

Emery's 12-month pictures were a smashing success, although a tad bit late. I wanted to wait to do them with Christmas props, though. She turned a year old in November.
These pictures were a STRUGGLE, let me tell you. But once we had them, it was a huge relief. I'm so excited about Emery's first Christmas with us and seeing her open her gifts. She loves the Christmas trees, and her big brown eyes just sparkle when she looks at the lights. She's the best Christmas puppy!!



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