Who Deserves Your Heart?

I was thinking...

Isn't it funny how we sometimes try to control our own destiny, seeking out what we think is best for us? Especially when it comes to relationships...
"I deserve ________(insert some sort of quality/standard/relationship goal here)________!!!"

We try to navigate our way through the messiness of 'love,' learning lessons the hard way, getting hurt, riding the emotional rollercoaster that dating can be. And that's fine! It's part of life for most people. Some get it right the first time; some go through a lot to get to the right person.
But it's important to ask yourself something - something that might alleviate some of the troubles of dating:

 If God created me and knows my heart better than I know it myself 
(hello, HE CREATED my heart!), 
shouldn't I trust Him to ultimately lead me to the person that He knows is best for me?   

That takes a lot of pressure off me. 

All I have to do is focus on God and keeping my heart pure, and He will take care of the rest.



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