Day of Happiness / First Day of Spring

I didn't know until this morning that today is the official International Day of Happiness! I looked it up and Pharrell Williams is apparently a part of the movement for happiness (of course - because he's HAPPY!). There's a website for the Day of Happiness too! It talks about ways to make others happy and spread sunshine into people's lives, making connections and being positive:

The project has many partners and supporters. People all around the world make posters, talk about what makes them happy, offer encouragement to others, and use technology and hashtags to make sure it's known.

Apparently, the day was established on June 28 (my parents' wedding anniversary!) of 2012. If you just google "International Day of Happiness," you'll find tons of awesome stuff.

Image result for international day of happiness

Today is also the first day of spring!!! I am sooo glad (even though today has been yucky).
I'm so over winter.

Image result for spring

Image result for spring

AND it's Friday!
AND we have an awesome girls' retreat at church this weekend.
AND Lovelyn's FIRST birthday party is tomorrow.

Today during my two elective classes, we talked about things that make us happy. I had my students write down things that make them happy and share if they wanted to. We also watch The Pursuit of Happyness and as the semester goes on, I think we will talk more about making connections and spreading positivity no matter what we are doing. I've been inspired!

I went to one of my all-time favorite happy places today after school - Sweet Shoppe Bakery - and got some goodies and took them to share with Granny. Spreading happiness with sweets!

Last night, Brooke was telling me about how she took Lovelyn to the zoo the day before and Lovelyn was saying hi to everyone, and no one paid much attention to her, which made Brooke think that people aren't as nice as they used to be.
But then one man struck up a conversation with them, and when he found out Lovelyn was turning one the next day, he gave her a five-dollar bill!! Brooke was so surprised and it's almost like her faith in humanity was restored.

Go do something nice for someone today! And this weekend! Spread some happiness wherever you go, and make the world a happier place. People will be surprised!



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