The Best is Yet to Come

Holy cow, I haven't blogged since APRIL. Needless to say, life got hectic.

I threw a bridal shower, got busy at work with all the end-of-year craziness, was in a wedding, got a summer job, went to Orlando for AXO convention, went to San Antonio and fell in love with Texas, went to the Outer Banks... and I'll go more into detail about all these things later. But I've been too busy to do two of the most important things in my life - spending time in Boone and writing! I'm making time to write this morning because a particular verse from the Bible has kept popping up in some shape or form. Philippians 3:13 has been on my mind so much for the past week and a half. Everywhere.

"Forgetting the past and pressing on to what lies ahead"

I'm all about the past, so this verse has been challenging and wonderful for me lately. I've had a tendency to judge people on their pasts, to dwell on my past decisions and wonder "what if?", to experience nostalgia so bad that I couldn't enjoy the gift of the present moment, to the point where I idolize times past as if there's nothing ahead that will be as great. That's wrong! It's important to appreciate the past and learn from it and CHERISH it, but always keep the mindset that

"the best is yet to come."

Paul had a terrible past, but it didn't keep him from being one of the most godly men in all of history, and his past troubles and his past works-based efforts for righteousness that needed to be forgotten made him the person he was so that we can still learn from him today.
How awesome is that?!

Appreciate your past and what it has done for you, remember that each day is a clean slate and we are pressing on to a goal that lies ahead. Always growing, always reaching for more, for better, for the BEST. Always aiming to be better than we were yesterday, through Jesus Christ. Remembering that God's grace will always find us and renew us and that if HE can forgive us for our past, then we should definitely be able to get past it.

"A thousand times I've failed, still Your mercy remains,
Should I stumble again, still I'm caught in Your grace"

The devil wants to remind you of your past or whatever - anything to distract from the present and from serving the Lord with your whole heart. Don't let him!!!!!!!
(I say "you" but I'm really writing this to myself too.)



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