My Thoughts on the Election

2 Corinthians 10:3-4(NIV)

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."

It's election season and all we see on TV are commercials for or against candidates. Propaganda everywhere. People arguing on Facebook (my favorite). The general consensus for this 2016 election is that there is no good choice. Some people are pretty depressed about that. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do... on our own, at least. Complaining and fighting on social media will do no good. 
When I think about this election, the verse I posted above comes to mind now. We are in this world, but the ideals and battles we are fighting are spiritual, and that's how they should be handled. Regardless of the outcome on November 8th, as Christians, we should spend a lot less time arguing and a WHOLE lot more time praying for our country. God is ultimately in control. Not Clinton or Trump or even old Gary Johnson!! The world wants to argue and fight. That takes our attention away from the One in control. God wants us to realize that no leader is enough for us, but that He is. We better be getting on our knees and going to battle. Our weapons are not guns and words, but prayer. We have the God of the universe on our side, and in His name the power to break every chain and stronghold.
I know what I'm gonna do - I'm gonna get my War Room ready. I'm taking all the clothes out of my closet and replacing them with pillows and blankets and hanging some Christmas lights and going in there and shutting the door and fighting this battle on my knees. 
We aren't fighting Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. We are fighting Satan. Let's focus on the bigger picture here.


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