Obligatory Thankfulness Post

I've spent some time today looking back over my posts from Thanksgiving seasons past.

Specifically, three years ago at this time when I was battling some ungratefulness and lack of sense of purpose. It was a dark time. I'm so glad that season didn't last very long!

Every Thursday I make my students list ten things they are grateful for that week. I have read that it helps boost mood when we intentionally and actively think about what we are grateful for.
In addition to this, from a spiritual standpoint, gratefulness is so key. We are to offer prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord every day for what He has blessed us with.

I started a couple Thanksgiving daily devotionals on the Bible app this week (YouVersion) and I'm getting my heart in the right place. I'll be honest -- being thankful hasn't been a cake walk right now. With my dad and Granny both being sick off and on the past couple months and in and out of the hospital, being so busy with everything, and always feeling spread thin, it has left me little time to actually count my blessings.

However, this week I am MAKING more time to rest, think, be productive in areas that really matter, and to really savor every little moment and ponder on life's blessings. So here it is, another post where I list what I'm thankful for. Not to brag on anything but Jesus, and to remind myself that the heart full of gratefulness is the blessed one.

1. My job
It's not always easy, but it's a great job and I'm surrounded by great people.

2. Having my brother live with me
I didn't expect to live with Michael again after I left Boone, and this is proof that life is full of awesome surprises and the Lord always has a plan greater than ours. I'm so thankful for the extra time I've had with Michael and what a great roommate he's been and the memories we've made. If MY plans had worked out, this may not have had a chance to happen, but I'm so glad it did!

3. The people in my circle
I have some of the most supportive friends and family, I believe, in the entire world.

4. A new decade
Many of y'all know I just turned 30, and while that sounded gross to me, I firmly believe that this will be my best decade yet. There was so much in my early 20s that I feel like I really wasted my time on - just things that didn't matter that much. I'm grateful for a new decade and the chance to start fresh in a sense.
(Still working on a post reflecting on my 20s! That'll be an interesting read)

5. The Lord's perfect timing
He knows what He's doing

6. Time to relax and spend with family / friends
I've made lots of this lately, and have not regretted it at all.

7. My house!
I love my cozy home and I'm so grateful for the ability to go home every night to it.

She is so therapeutic and loving and perfect.

9. My church
Best church ever.

10. Jesus's grace
His mercies are new every day and Lord knows I need them! :)


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