"The Party of the Month? No, the Party of the YEAR!"

A week ago today, Ashley and I went to Aaron's Party!
For some reason, Ashley is obsessed with Aaron Carter, Backstreet Boys, and Britney Spears - the people of "my generation." 
So when I found out that Aaron Carter was coming to Greensboro, I had to get us tickets...and meet and greet passes. Because I, myself, used to be a little too obsessed with Aaron Carter not to.
And I can't imagine the guilt I would've felt if we'd gone without meet and greet passes. I knew it would make Ashley's life.
So on Wednesday night, we found ourselves at Aaron's Party - "The Afterparty Tour."
The concert was cool, and we had fun!
[[My mind kept flashing back to Chanelle making fun of my Aaron Carter obsession in 6th grade. She even wrote an article in her NEWSPAPER she sent out to us over the summer. The article was to make me mad, and it was titled "Aaron Carter Marries a Mouse."]]
Afterward, we found our neighbor Katherine, and after waiting in line for what seemed like forever, we got to meet Aaron Carter, and this is how it went:
Me: "When I was twelve, I had a dream that you moved to my neighborhood!"
Aaron: [smiling] "Really? Where do you live??"
Me: Hahaha
Aaron: "Of course! Put it on up here!"
At this point I pulled out the Port Southern shirt and croakies I'd taken to give him and he was about to sign the shirt, and I said "No this is for you! Do you take gifts?"
"Of course! This is nice, let's get a picture with this shirt!"
He thought the croakies were a bracelet, but one of his band members was like, "Nah man, this is for your sunglasses!" And Aaron said he would put them on his Ray Bans.
We then attempted an Alpha Chi Omega picture, but he couldn't get the sign right, which resulted in me making a terrible face.
He signed one of my boots (the right boot - Taylor Swift signed the left in 2007!).
He was so very nice and kept saying thank you over and over. I bet a lot of celebrities aren't like that.
I was SO glad I got meet and greet passes.
It only took 13 years to meet Aaron Carter, but it was well worth the wait!!

And Ashley's life was made.


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