* 2016's Bests *

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#BestNine shows you your pictures that got the most likes during the year. These were mine! It makes sense, because some of the biggest highlights of my year were buying a house (THE LIGHTHOUSE), stalking and meeting Tim Tebow, growing closer with family, spending time at church, playing with my beloved Emery, and of course, starting a fresh and wonderful new relationship journey with Drew after three years of searching myself and growing in the Lord as an individual.

Some really wonderful things are not pictured, though!

- My second precious goddaughter was born on my sister's birthday. Elaina Loren is a bundle of pure joy!

- I got to stand beside two of my best friends as they committed their lives to their husbands. Such a sweet honor and so much fun!

- I attended my first Alpha Chi Omega convention in sunny Orlando and it was a dream. I met so many wonderful sisters and got closer to a couple in particular!

- I finally went to Texas! I had so much fun with two of my dearest friends and fell head over heels in love with the beautiful city of San Antonio. I still have dreams about going back. It was a freaking blast.

- Spent time traveling and growing closer to sweet friends and family.

- Got my first real retail job - a fun summer job that turned into a fun side job that I still have! I learned more about fashion that I can apply to the fashion aspect of my blog if I ever get time ;)

- Started my third year of teaching and second year at the best high school in the world - #LivingTheDream

- Spent quality time in my happy place - Boone, NC.

- Finally had a chance to hold get-togethers and host parties now that I have a place of my own in town!

- Started a prayer closet and learned so much about the power of prayer and going deeper with the Lord.

- Got more serious with my writing and reflection on life's seasons, causing me to know more about what I eventually want to do with my life.

These are the highlights. Yes, there were many struggles and hard times. Plenty of times where I just sat in my room and cried, times of need, confusion, and doubt.
But overall, 2016 has been one of the best years

I cannot wait to see what 2017 holds. 


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