Shame, Shame.

Shame has been on my mind lately. I wrote a post back in the summer about how it doesn't matter what you've done in the past as long as you've repented and are moving forward.

Our sermons at Oak View lately have been about Paul and how he killed Christians before he was saved, and how if God could use him, He can use literally ANYONE. 

I've just been thinking a lot recently, though, because I know so many people who struggle with shame from their past.

I heard a really good sermon at the Summit Church in Durham about shame a while back. The pastor said something like 
"If God has forgiven you and forgotten about your sin, and you STILL harp on it because of shame, you are essentially saying (subconsciously) that you are more important than God. If HE can forget it, YOU definitely should!!"


Shame comes from Satan. 

I saw something happen yesterday... someone I know was really excited about a breakthrough she had, and was celebrating, and was, in the same moment, chastised by an onlooker, who reminded her of something bad she had done last week. All of her joy was stolen in that moment.

That is EXACTLY how Satan works. 

We start growing in the Lord, and he immediately reminds us of past failures and our minds become fixed on that instead of what lies ahead.

Don't fall into the trap! If God is working in you, stay focused on Him and His work.
Do not let Satan remind you of past shame that GOD has FORGOTTEN!! 
We are new creations in Him, and the old is gone!
No one is "less than" - we are all sinners saved by grace.

Getting stuck in the past will hinder your progress in the Lord and can keep you from reaching your potential in Him.

"Forgetting what is past, and pressing on to the goal that lies ahead."
Philippians 3:13


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