Psalm 46

Last Thursday night I got in my car and drove to Hilton Head Island for a mental health mini-vacation. I was meeting two precious friends down there, and had five hours in the car all to myself. I had a LOT on my mind from last week, and although the drive was brutal for my legs and fanny, I got to talk on the phone with a precious godly accountability partner / encourager (BFF) and spend time in my thoughts in silence and with my worship music, and most importantly, talk to God.

I was listening to my worship playlist on Spotify and the songs ran out, so Spotify started playing songs recommended for me. "Psalm 46" by Shane and Shane came on, and I had never heard it before. I loved it immediately, so I played it again and really listened to the words.

O come behold the works of God the nations at His feet. He breaks the bow and bends the spear
and tells the wars to cease. O Mighty One of Israel you are on our side. We walk by faith in God who burns the chariots with fire Lord of Hosts, You're with us with us in the fire, with us as a shelter, with us in the storm. You will lead us through the fiercest battle, oh where else would we go, but with the Lord of Hosts. O God of Jacob, fierce and great, You lift Your voice to speak. The earth it bows and all the mountains move into the sea O Lord You know the hearts of men and still you let them live. O God, who makes the mountains melt come wrestle us and win. O God who makes the mountains melt come wrestle us and win. Though oceans roar, You are the Lord of all, the one who calms the wind and waves and makes my heart be still. Though the earth gives way, the mountains move into the sea, the nations rage, I know my God is in control. Though oceans roar, You are the Lord of all, the one who calms the wind and waves and makes my heart be still. Though the earth gives way, the mountains move into the sea, the nations rage, I know my God is in control.

This morning I decided to look up Psalm 46 and see what it was all about.
I was reminded of one of the sermons I sat through Sunday. It was about Jacob wrestling with God all night one night and the Lord asked him his name and he told Him, and when asked HIS name, the Lord did not reply (meaning He had won), leaving Jacob to realize that it was God Almighty. The Lord then gave him a new name (Israel) and identity and delivered him from a lifetime of struggle through sin and pride and jealousy.
"Come wrestle us and win."

What are we wrestling with right now that God needs to free us from? We are safe in Him.
He's with us as a Shelter
With us in the FIRE
With us through the storm
With us through the FIERCEST battles we face.
Through Him, we WILL prevail and conquer our sins and trials.

This passage / song speaks of the sheer power of the Lord and how nothing can defeat Him, although it may seem as if the world around us is going crazy, and the battles within ourselves even scarier.

Even if the Earth gives way and the storms become violent and the trials in life are as mountains that can't be moved, we know our God is in control.

"The Lord will fight for you; you only have to be still."


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