Why Me??

I've written about this before - how could I not? Yesterday I wrote about how sometimes God allows us to go through things so that we can help others who go through the same things later.

Waiting is especially hard.
Why do I not have this or that yet? All my other friends do.

Why am I going through this particular struggle? When will it be over?

Why do I keep having to deal with struggles?

Well, absolutely NO life is struggle-free, and the Christian life was never promised to be easy.

James 5:7 says to be patient.
"See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains."

Sometimes we just have to wait a little longer to get a blessing that's just a little sweeter.

Sometimes we have to wait in seasons of wilderness and desert so that we can say "Christ is enough for me" because He's all we have.

Sometimes it's so that we can see HOW faithful He is when we see Him making "a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43)

Sometimes it's hard to remain positive because it's been so long and you've been so patient...
These are either opportunities to grow our faith or wallow in self-pity (and as I'm writing this, I'm half-wallowing in self-pity, so please don't feel like I have it all together AT ALL. I am working on this daily. This is where I'm at right now.)

Even the tiniest bit of faith can be grown into the kind that moves mountains.

"Faith commanded, and the mountains moved."

Why do I have these mountains in my life?

I guess so that my patience and faith can grow. I don't always know. I might not know til much later in life or I might know next week. I have to let the Holy Spirit bring me peace while I wait. And keep in mind Romans 8:28:
"For we know that all things work together for the good of those that love The Lord, who are called by His name."

Why me?
We will see.


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