Finding the Right Person
I recently (within the last two years, recently) saw the quote, "Don't worry about finding the right person... Focus on BEING the right person." I had never thought of it that way. Looking back on the "On This Day" posts on Facebook is often very painful (embarrassing) for a lot of people. People my age might start to cringe when they see posts from about 2007-2010. I've heard people say so, and I know I do! Today Facebook showed me some posts I made almost a decade ago (GEEZE THAT MAKES ME SOUND OLD) about finding a godly guy. For so long, it was all about FINDING the right person. I was ignorant to the fact that the Lord wanted me to Himself for a while - to grow in Him, lean on Him, depend on Him, to be refined as an individual. I can honestly say that as soon as I got serious about getting close to the Lord and becoming Spirit-filled (there's a difference between being a 'Christian' and being Spirit-filled ) , it was crazy h...