Ahh, Back to Writing
So I've been extremely busy and haven't had time to blog, but now I am MAKING time to blog. The only problem is, sooooo much has happened that I really don't even know where to begin! This was definitely the busiest, most stressful, exciting, overwhelming, unique semester I've had in college. And probably the best. It's reallllly overwhelming to even know what to start with, so I'm going to go through my planner starting where I left off with blogging, and go from there I guess. But I think I'll do that tomorrow because my middle name is Procrastination (when I was little I thought my middle name was "And" hahaha I just remembered that as I was writing this, actually). I also want to share what I'm doing right now (which seems like a whole lot of nothing, but it's really not). Since graduation on May 5, I have been spending an awful lot of time at home, which is exactly what I wanted and needed after this insane semester. I also ne...