And This is What I Decided About Grad School...
If you've been reading (or know me personally), you know I've been faced with a very hard decision to make this month. And I guess I kinda brought it on myself haha. See, I decided at some point that maybe I'd try to go to graduate school. I don't remember when, because it was never something I was really interested in, but all of a sudden I was signing up to take the GRE and looking at graduate programs on the Appalachian State website. See, I have always had my heart kinda set on Appalachian, but at the same time, High Point University was just irresistible (and rightfully so). So I decided that I'd finish undergrad at HPU and then go to App. [I should add here that my mother told me I had to go to graduate school, so I didn't really have much of a choice haha. Besides, I wasn't ready to be done with school when the time came to graduate :) ] Anyway, I decided sometime this past year that I wasn't ready to graduate from HPU, and got...