
Showing posts from June, 2014

Red, White, & Blue

  These are some of the patriotic-esque outfits I wore last year on the days leading up to the 4th of July and on the 4th of July. I just love wearing red, white, and blue clothing and accessories! When stores start putting out their America - themed stuff, I get so excited. Today I started wearing red, white, and blue, and probably will until the 4th because I have so much more patriotic - looking clothing this year. It's gonna be so hard to decide what to wear on the 4th!   What do you like to wear that's patriotic?     eBa

National Wear Your Lilly Day

It's National Wear Your Lilly Day, and I'm not sure what I'm going to wear. I never buy Lilly full price (sorry, not sorry!), but these are the Lilly dresses I'm currently obsessed with:   Eaton Shift Dress Harbour Tunic Dress Going on my wish list! What are you wearing today?! Happy Lilly Day! eBa


Summer is finally here!  I love summer for all the things it means: -no school -frozen treats -pool time -tans -sundresses -baseball games  -bright colors -sunshine -vacations -the beach -wavy hair -sandals ...I could go on. I'm so excited for all the summer adventures I have planned and excited to have time off from working. I promised myself I'd keep this blog more updated as I go on these adventures! ................................................................ This morning, Emery and I have been celebrating summer. Yesterday she got a new toy from Petsmart. They had a whole section of toys that looked like sea creatures and I died. At $3.99, clearly a great investment. She's obsessed with this thing: Looking at her, you'd have no idea she lost a toenail yesterday and had to go to the emergency vet haha!! H a p p y ,  happy  S U M M E R!! eBa

This is How a Heart Breaks

Do you remember your first real heartbreak - the first one you couldn't bounce back from? Mine was when I was 16. Around this exact time in 2005. Never in my life had I felt so hopeless and depressed and confused. I remember Grandma taking me to J&S and I couldn't stop crying at the TABLE. And the more I looked around and saw all the happy people around me, the more I felt like I would never be happy again. And then I felt bad because this was supposed to be a fun bonding day for me and Grandma and I needed to get it together but I just couldn't and that made me cry even more, for her sake. And for the sheer fact that I had let someone get into my life and control my emotions like this. My mom took me to Abercrombie & Fitch for some retail therapy but literally EVERYTHING everywhere made me think of him. I cried that whole summer. What was wrong with me??? Why couldn't I just get over it? Countless days at Knollcrest pool with Alex, hashing it over. What c...

Where Have All the Good Men Gone? - Part 1 - #TFM

They haven't gone anywhere. There are still good men out there, just not as many.   They are being overrun by guys like the ones that write for the website "Total Frat Move." This site has angered me dozens of times over the past few years, just seeing articles that friends share from the site. For undergrad, I went to a university where there was a very strong emphasis on Greek life, and almost everyone was in a fraternity or a sorority. I was in a sorority myself and am still very actively involved. I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is the TFM crap.   Fraternities were originated to raise gentlemen who contributed GOOD things to society. Let's face the facts, that's not always the case anymore.   Where's this anger coming from?? An article one of my friends just shared from Total Frat Move about why women shouldn't wear high-waisted jean shorts. I'm not gonna go to the trouble to post the article here, but you...