Staying Positive
This Monday morning didn't get off to the best start. I woke up in my clothes and makeup, as usual. On top of the covers. Not ideal for a good night's sleep. Got ready through all the mess that is my room. I've been meaning to clean it for MONTHS. It's horrible. But I just can't find time to do it!!!!!!! UGH. It realllllly frustrates me. Also, still looking for my prized gold watch - my new favorite accessory. Can't find it anywhere. I remember last taking it off at dance rehearsal, but I was sure I put it in my bag... NOT GOOD. I'll never find it in all the mess! I've been mad at myself all weekend about that. The weather is COLD and RAINY. Boo. And I don't have my umbrella. I don't get to go home til like 10 tonight. After teaching today, I have a three hour class at HPU. My clothes don't match. So needless to say, I had a bad attitude coming in to teach today. BUT I had a fantastic weekend (as usual). The stu...