Blogger Tag
I was tagged in a game of blogger tag by Turtles & Pearls , and this game is so much fun! Rules of the Game 1. You must post the rules. 2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself. 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged. 4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post. 5. Let them know you've tagged them! Eleven Facts 1. I am currently in my senior year of college at High Point University and student teaching at a high school. 2. I have the cutest beagle in the world - Honeygirl 3. I love shopping, but don't usually buy something if it's not on sale. 4. I love making things! I've been into art since I was really young. I enjoy crafting, sewing, etc. The best part is looking at something and being able to say, "I made that!!" 5. I tend to worry, overthink things, and analyze situations A WHOLE LOT MORE than I should....
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