
Showing posts from February, 2016

Shower for Goddaughter Number Two!

Yesterday I had a baby shower at the Lighthouse! I will have another goddaughter NEXT MONTH! Lovelyn will be a big sister and Brooke will have two beautiful daughters. We spent the afternoon celebrating and eating the yummiest food, made by Brooke's mother. The weather was warm and absolutely perfect! I'm so blessed to have this family in my life. They basically ARE family to me! So blessed and so much to celebrate. 💕 eBa

Can't See the Forest for the Trees

I feel like sometimes we think we are too educated for God... Like we are too smart to believe in miracles or the supernatural or divine intervention or that God has a plan far greater than the one we have laid out for ourselves. The story of Jesus healing the blind man was part of our reading in John last week. I've heard this story over and over but this time I actually got into it and having the Word of Life book's commentary on it helped me to see things I haven't noticed or thought about before. It's so crazy how the religious leaders couldn't see that Jesus was the Son of God, but a man who didn't even know who He was could profess His validity after one encounter. Jesus literally healed him and made him see again, but He also opened the man's eyes spiritually. In the book it reminds us that "often the simple must instruct those who claim to be learned." I just really liked that and needed that reminder of the importance of...

Dream On

One of my favorite songs is "Dream On" by Aerosmith and it came on my shuffle play this morning when I was getting ready. I'm all about dreaming big and making those dreams come true. I've always loved what Marilyn Monroe said about thousands of girls dreaming of becoming a movie star "but I'm not going to worry about them; I'm dreaming the hardest." I came across a quote today, though, ironically... "Your wildest dreams can't compare to what God has in store." It's so amazing and comforting to think that even as big as we can dream, God has plans for us that far outshine our wildest dreams if we just trust Him and His flawless plan! 🌟  #Dreams #ChildlikeFaith eBa

Casting Down My Idols

So I've been trying to recognize idols in my life and shopping has always been the obvious one. Duh. I'm doing great with that right now - back in December I made a goal to not buy myself ANY article of clothing until at least March and I've been successful with that so far. Shopping has always been something I struggle with, so I'm proud of myself right now. One thing I haven't realized is an idol until the other day is... Boone. Boone is an idol and I haven't realized it and as wonderful as it is, that's the truth. I've gotten to the point that I'm not even happy sometimes unless I'm there. I'm letting my joy and happiness be conditional, based on Boone. The Lord has made it clear that that is not where I am supposed to be right now, so I don't know why my heart is still longing for it so much. I guess it is because I had such a great time living there and grew so much in my walk with the Lord while I was in Boone. I think I...

Valentine's Day!

This year's Valentine's Day was pretty low-key. I gave Emery her gifts and took some cute pictures of her. We went to church, had a family lunch at J&S, and I had a little party at the Lighthouse with my middle school girls from church (and Ashley and her boo). It was so much fun, though!  My mom and I spent most of the evening with Granny, who gave us cute little Valentine goodies as always ❤️  It was a very nice day. Now I have a rant: I've always heard so many single people call Valentine's Day "Singles Awareness Day" and dread the day and say they'll be happy when it's over but I just can't do that... If Valentine's Day is about love, it's about all kinds of love, not just romantic love! I told my students on Friday that I always celebrate Valentine's with my family, whether I'm single or not, because I love my family! Granny always gives us Valentines and we take her out. Two years ago...