Let it Be Me

Image may contain: 1 person, dog and indoor

"God blessed the day I found you; 
I want to stay around you,
And so I beg you, 
Let it be me." 

On this day three years ago, I became Emery's mommy. I've found in life that often times, the best things are completely unexpected. I had no intentions of ever having a dog like her, and I had no idea how I would take care of her because I had nowhere for her to live, but when I held her and she looked at me with her big brown puppy eyes, I knew I had to, for the rest of her life. I tend to do that - decide I want something even though it seems irrational, but somehow the Lord works it all out. And that's just what He did.

So often, we look at the small picture and life's difficulties seem unmanageable. That's how it felt with Emery at first. I had nowhere for her to live, but I knew I couldn't bear to give her up. If I had been able to see the big picture and know that my parents would eventually keep her at their house and fall in love with her and take care of her until I moved back from Boone, I wouldn't have felt so hopeless.
I try not to get caught up in the struggles of the small picture now!

I celebrate today the fact that He knows what He's doing even though sometimes life is messy and it doesn't seem like things are going to work out.
I celebrate today His constant care and provision, even with the little things in life and for His furry creatures.
I celebrate today the day I met my fur baby and the journey we began together when it was just "us against the world."
I celebrate today the unconditional love an animal gives, and teaches me so much about life.
I celebrate today the endless joy that Emery has brought me for the past three years.

"So never leave me lonely,
Tell me you love me only,
And that you'll always let it be me." 💚💚


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