
Showing posts from March, 2015

Founders' Day - AXO // KO

Tonight, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak at Alpha Chi Omega's chapter meeting about my experience as a founding member of the Kappa Omicron chapter at HPU. Our Founders' Day is tomorrow. I can't believe that it's been three years since we installed our chapter. What an awesome experience it was... I was so glad they asked me to do speak tonight. I had so much to say - there are so many reasons why AChiO has been so great for me. I had to condense all my feelings into a few pages. This is what I said:               All throughout college, I never had any intentions of joining a sorority.  I felt like I’d have to be a certain way or do certain things to fit a mold. But during my senior year at High Point University (and I was a fifth year senior), I found out we were gaining a new sorority.  I started to think that maybe this could be a good idea for me. I remember googling Alpha Chi Omega, because I...

Sunday Funday

Today was a great day and here's why:   This morning:   " Sofiya sent me the picture on the left the other day and I was shocked. I had forgotten how small she used to be, because she's been taller than me for so long now! But that picture was taken in 2009 and it just shows how I've watched her grow from a cute little kid into a beautiful young lady. This morning I had the absolute pleasure of going down front with her as the kids pledged their commitment to purity (True Love Waits) in the church service this morning. I'm so very proud of Sofiya and her commitment and honored that she asked me to help mentor her. I'm so thankful that God has placed us in each other's lives!! "   This afternoon: Lunch at Yamato. Two hour nap. Easter program at church. Mayberry with Granny. (We hadn't been to Mayberry in YEARS)     Tonight as I was driving home from Granny's, before I went to Starbucks to work on stuff for this w...

Day of Happiness / First Day of Spring

I didn't know until this morning that today is the official International Day of Happiness! I looked it up and Pharrell Williams is apparently a part of the movement for happiness (of course - because he's HAPPY!). There's a website for the Day of Happiness too! It talks about ways to make others happy and spread sunshine into people's lives, making connections and being positive: The project has many partners and supporters. People all around the world make posters, talk about what makes them happy, offer encouragement to others, and use technology and hashtags to make sure it's known. Apparently, the day was established on June 28 (my parents' wedding anniversary!) of 2012. If you just google "International Day of Happiness," you'll find tons of awesome stuff. Today is also the first day of spring!!! I am sooo glad (even though today has been yucky). I'm so over winter. A...