Mean Girls and The Royal Wedding

Today (April 29th) was sort of a celebration of two things that are pretty interesting and cool to me - Will and Kate's anniversary (I cannot believe it's been 4 years since I watched their wedding in my pajamas while writing a paper and STRESSING OUT because it was due in like 3 hours and I had just started) and April 30th is the Mean Girls anniversary, but since today was Wednesday, I celebrated because #OnWednesdaysWeWearPink. I celebrated by wearing a royal blue shirt (for the Royal Wedding - I call it "Kate Middleton Blue") and a pink hat, sandals, and jewelry (it was hat day at work - spring spirit week!) I made my kids' warm-up a celebration of the day as well. "I'm a cool [teacher]". Even the lotion and spray I used was pink - at Crabtree Mall in Raleigh this weekend with some friends, I fell in love with one of Bath & Body Works' new scents: So I'm a littl...