Grandma Status and Nuggets From the Word

I'm so behind.
Two weeks ago today was my half birthday (April 30th). 26.5 is another step closer to 30!!! UGHHHH!!!

Appropriately, coincidentally, and ironically, it was also "senior citizen day" at work for spirit week.

I had found this awesome "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's" shirt at Walmart the night before when I was buying snacks for my lunch. It was like divine intervention when I saw it hanging there and only $5.

26.5 seems scary, but I'm excited to see what the next few months will hold, regardless!

For my warm-ups for my classes, I found a picture of a half birthday cake with 26 and a half on top. When I clicked on the picture, it took me to a blog post about a 26.5 birthday party and it got me to wondering if people actually have half birthday parties.


I enjoyed some wonderful reading that morning in my LIFE book...
I love my peaceful mornings :)

The LIFE retreat was that weekend and I have to post about that next!



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