Friday Five!
Happy Friday! It's the last day of May. Tomorrow, June starts. I LOVE JUNE :) I love the first day of every month, if you haven't already noticed. Here's what else I'm loving this week: Justin Timberlake's song "Mirrors." Hello, everyone is in love with this song. Everyone is in love with the whole album - 20/20 Experience. "Mirrors" is great because it's awfully sweet, has a great beat and background tune (that's not the right term, is it?), has totally sweet lyrics, ... It will always remind me of riding on the interstate in Los Angeles with Chanelle and Kacie. Leaving American Idol, headed to the Dodgers game. Leaving the Dodgers game. Did I mention how sweet the lyrics are? JT always does it right. Good job, JT. My Diamond Candle! It came in the mail while I was in California, and the day after I got back I started burning it to get the ring out. Yes, the ring...