Day of Decades

This week is Spirit Week at the high school where I teach, and I have always LOVED Spirit Week so, so much. Ever since elementary school at Wesleyan when we were only allowed to participate in "Red and Gold Day" on the Friday of the week. But I got to see all the middle and high schoolers dressed up (and they went ALL OUT) every day since it is a K-12 school. I couldn't WAIT to dress up for every day of Spirit Week... and now I can, for the rest of my life hahahaha.

Anyway, today was Decade Day - my all-time favorite because since I was like 13 I've felt like I'm in the wrong time period. Most of my favorite music is from the 60s and 70s and I used to look at my parents' yearbooks from HP Central and HPU and Appalachian and WISH SO MUCH that I'd grown up when they did // wish that I could've gone to an Elvis concert // wish that I could've worn bell-bottoms every day // driven a Chevy Nova to school // heard their music all the time // lived like the Brady Bunch.

So this morning I put on my tie-dye Appalachian shirt that I got in Boone when I was still in high school (Ashley wore it yesterday for Decade Day at that same high school that I went to), put on my best bell-bottoms, a headband, a faux fur vest, and did my best impersonation of Twiggy eye makeup and played 60s music in my classroom all day (especially Neil Diamond's "Solitary Man" on repeat because perfect). And when a coworker asked me what I know about the 60s I laughed and said "A lot!"




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