59 Minutes

Well, this post is a VERY long-time-coming post, because life is crazy, and there's never enough time to write...

Anyway, back in November, my church held a walk-through drama production for the community to go through. The production was called "Judgment House (59 Minutes)" and it was the story of four people who experience their last hour of life and judgment / eventual eternity.
The people who go through follow these four lives as they go to judgment and then either heaven or hell. It sounds heavy, and it is. It's an event that really makes you think about where you will spend eternity if you haven't already thought of it. I have seen it touch many lives.

My own sister got saved at Judgment House when she was about 8 years old, so the impact of the event hits very close to home for me.
This year, Ashley was in our "scene" one night and prayed that at least 70 people would come to know Jesus that night, and about 70 got saved!

Our scene was the one where the characters passed away, so it was intense. I was a paramedic, and when I wasn't speaking, I would pray that the Lord would tug at hearts and that we would see people come to know Him.

SO many people were saved in the days that we put on the production. We performed on a Wednesday, and then every day that weekend, and that weekend did so much for eternity! So many people gained homes in heaven from seeing
"59 Minutes," and all glory is to be given to the Lord for providing us with the means to put it on.

When we were done with Judgment House, I was sad. It was a lot of fun! I enjoyed getting to know some of my church family better. We had a great time working together for the kingdom.



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