Don't Stumble Over Something Behind You

I just came across this on the Internet, after working on some stuff for a few hours and three cups of black coffee. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Don't stumble over something behind you."
I have the hardest time with that. 
I'm the absolute worst at looking back and saying "What if?"
What I really really need to do right now is trust God and let the past be the past.
Leave it behind me, don't look too long at it, and move confidently forward, in all aspects of life.
Cherish the memories, learn from the mistakes.
And move forward, knowing God has a plan.

Don't let anything that God has put in your past (for a reason!) keep you from experiencing His future blessings because you can't let go.

"...forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead"



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