On Second Thought...
So I just wrote a blog entry out of confusion/anger/discomfort/whatever (refer to previous post).
Then I watched Honeygirl wake up, get out of her bed, and do "number one" on the floor, while I yelled "STOP! STOP! STOP!"
There was no controlling it. For me or her.
So there it is.
What can I do, it's 3am.
I shrugged, went upstairs, took my makeup off, put warm PJs on, and put my retainer in.
And as I was doing those things, I thought about something.
"Beth, you maybe shouldn't have written that blog post a few minutes ago. I know it's late and you're confused and tired and all, but don't turn into your 19-year-old "life is SO not fair" self. You've come a looooooooong way since then, and you need to show it!
So there you have it folks. My attitude did a 360 somewhere between Honeygirl doing her business on the floor and me coming back downstairs from getting ready for bed.
I don't know why some nights I'm so tired that I fall asleep at 11:00 in my clothes and makeup, and other nights I can stay up til 4am writing and not get the least bit sleepy.
I don't know why life doesn't seem fair sometimes.
I don't know why I'm happy and sad at the same time half the time.
I don't know anything apparently, because I confuse the heck outta myself.
I don't know what God is doing in my life right now, but I know He's doing SOMETHING BIG because I can feel it!
AND I don't know why the dog randomly had to use the bathroom at 3 am on the floor in front of my eyes as I watched helplessly.
I couldn't control it.
Just like I can't control my life's circumstances.
All I can do is pray and constantly remind myself of this:
God is in control and I DON'T NEED TO BE!!!!
So I will trust Him.
And I will NOT worry!
(I'm posting this stuff mainly to remind myself of these things, but also in case anyone else is feeling this way, MAYBE IT WILL HELP!!!!!!!)
(I'm posting this stuff mainly to remind myself of these things, but also in case anyone else is feeling this way, MAYBE IT WILL HELP!!!!!!!)
Life is a crazy ride, oh, but it's a wonderful one.
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